We want you to let us know if you are concerned that we are breaking the law, previously broken it or may break it in future (this could include concerns around Modern Slavery or malpractice).
As a first point of call, it would be great if you could have a chat with your Manager or another Manager about your concerns.
If this isn't possible or you are not comfortable sharing your concerns; please call the People Team Confidential Line on 01782 952099. Please be reassured that any issues raised will be dealt with appropriately.
We are passionate about working together to develop and promote honesty and accountability.
chatterbox@deeset.co.uk Is the Dee Set "Have your say" dedicated email address, sent directly for the attention of the Board of Directors and our Senior Management Team.
Let us know how we can improve the services we offer, tell us your ideas for maybe doing things a little bit differently – we'd love to hear from you.
So go on… get chatting.